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|  |  AUGUST 2009 08.19.2009 | Come Visit Us on Ten Apple Farm (.com) We've got a new site for our farm and new book: : Living With Goats  MAY 2008 05.04.2008 | Bebe meets the goats Baby Bea meets the goats  05.15.2008 | A kid is born! Flyrod gives us our first (goat) kid born on the farm  05.17.2008 | Let the milking begin! Margaret milks Flyrod on the newest addition to the barn, Karl's homemade milkstand....  05.21.2008 | Duck, Duck, Duck, DUCK! The baby animals keep coming with the arrival of 10 rouen ducklings  05.22.2008 | Say Cheese... Our first foray into cheesemaking  05.23.2008 | Oh Boy, Oh Boy Chansonetta kids - alas, another boy  APRIL 2008 04.29.2008 | Welcome Beatrice Amelia! Margaret kids again! It's a girl: Beatrice Amelia Hathaway Schatz  MARCH 2008 03.20.2008 | Snuppy Remembered We remember Snuppy, our beloved cat, mouser, friend, and family member who passed today, sadly, suddenly and unexpetedly  JANUARY 2008 01.01.2008 | Snowshoeing with Goats Snowshoeing with goats!  DECEMBER 2007 12.12.2007 | Mira the Hanukkah Miracle Chicken A Hanukkah Miracle brings the latest addition to our chicken yard  12.21.2007 | Goats in the Snow The goats explore the season's first big snowfall  12.24.2007 | Merry Christmas! A delicious yule log to celebrate Christmas  NOVEMBER 2007 11.08.2007 | Goatstravaganza NYC! See pictures from our Goatstravaganza NYC event!  OCTOBER 2007 10.15.2007 | Packed and Heading West Info about our Colorado stops  SEPTEMBER 2007 09.06.2007 | YOTG in NYC - Thursday Sept. 6 A reading and book signing in Park Slope, and guests on Martha Stewart Living Radio!  09.24.2007 | YOTG in Brunswick, Maine - Oct. 2 We will be having a book reading, film screening, book signing & cheese tasting at Frontier Cinema & Cafe in Brunswick, Maine, Oct. 2 6:30-8pm  09.26.2007 | Boston Globe Goes For Goats A very nice article about us, our travels, the book, the farm, the goats, Godfrey, and of course, Charlotte  AUGUST 2007 08.06.2007 | The Book Has Arrived!! The book is here! The book is here! The book is here!  08.23.2007 | Goatstravaganza!! Rabelais Books was packed as Portland foodies and goat lovers turned out in full force for the Goatstravaganza book release party of The Year of the Goat: 40,000 Miles and the Quest for the Perfect Cheese.  JULY 2007 07.15.2007 | When Radishes Grow Out of Control Some crazy looking radishes left too long in the garden  07.30.2007 | Escalating Escarole Our favorite use so far for an abundance of escarole  07.30.2007 | The Return of the Radish A sandwich idea fresh from the garden  JUNE 2007 06.02.2007 | YOTG at BEA In our first round of book publicity, Margaret signs advance galleys at the Book Expo America in NYC.  06.17.2007 | Make Way for Ducklings The newest addition to the farm: Six Khaki Campbell ducks  MAY 2007 05.21.2007 | The Kids Ain't Coming Flyrod and Chansonetta go well past their due dates. No kids this year.  05.23.2007 | Our Farm has a Name! Welcome to Ten Apple Farm!  APRIL 2007 04.15.2007 | What's the Buzz? Beekeeper Margaret sets up our two new beehives  04.21.2007 | Birds in the Backhouse We get our next round of birds... and start them once again in the house.  DECEMBER 2006 12.09.2006 | Goat, You'll be a Woman Soon We take Flyrod to Chateau Briant Farm in Saco, Maine to be bred  OCTOBER 2006 10.31.2006 | Happy Halloween! Charlotte (and Margaret) dressed up as, what else? Goats!  SEPTEMBER 2006 09.20.2006 | Our First Egg! Is there anything more pleasant than a soft boiled egg in the morning? I don't think so.  AUGUST 2006 08.01.2006 | The Goats are Growing (horns) Our little babies are growing up! Look at those horns!  08.30.2006 | The Garden Produces Produce Come enjoy the bounty of our garden (in photos)  JULY 2006 07.20.2006 | New Potatoes We harvest the first bounty from our garden... a handful of new red potatoes... and they are good.  JUNE 2006 06.25.2006 | A Kid of Our Very Own We welcome Charlotte Elizabeth Hathaway Schatz into the world  MAY 2006 05.03.2006 | American Goat Exhibit at Tufts University The American Goat Exhibit opens at Tufts University with a cheese tasting event sponsored by Slow Food Boston  APRIL 2006 04.01.2006 | Chickens? Check! We get our chickens, or should we say, chicks - a little smaller than we were expecting.  04.07.2006 | Goats Go Outside The goats go outside and take to the air  MARCH 2006 03.31.2006 | We Get Our Goats! After much anticipation, we finally get some goats of our own!  FEBRUARY 2006 02.22.2006 | A New Farm, New Cat, and Kid(s) on the Way The dream that began when we departed New York City on our great goat adventure almost three years ago is almost complete!  APRIL 2005 04.17.2005 | Announcing American Goat We are excited to announce the establishment of the American Goat traveling photography exhibit and Farms in Focus a new non-profit raising awareness of sustainable agriculture through the arts.  DECEMBER 2004 12.16.2004 | Got to Have Goat Love Be the first on your block to have the DVD every goat lover is bleating for this holiday season.  AUGUST 2004 08.08.2004 | Just Goat Married! Margaret and Karl get married at a working farm in Maine with goats!  JUNE 2004 06.21.2004 | On the Air Again In New York City we introduce Radio Host Dean Olsher and producer Amanda Aronczyk to the goats of the Bronx  MAY 2004 05.28.2004 | Return to the Radio News about our radio appearances as well as an update on where we've been and where we'll be  MARCH 2004 03.01.2004 | Solomon's Wisdom: Eat and Drink Well In Chicago, Sofia Solomon, one of the country's most respected purveyors of cheese, give us shelter from the storm, champagne, and a lesson in cheese handling  03.02.2004 | A New Life at Antiquity Oaks In Cornell, Illinois, the Boehle family shows us that homesteading plus homeschooling can add up to great things  03.16.2004 | Finding a Family in a Haystack At Haystack Mountain Dairy in Niwot, Colorado, we survive the arrival of dozens of (human) kids long enough to sit down and enjoy a quiet talk with owner Jim Schott  03.17.2004 | The Kids are All Right In Delta, Colorado, we meet LaVerne Charles and some of the friendliest marshmallow-loving goats around  03.20.2004 | Goats on a Wire In Cameron, Arizona, under power lines that look like giant metal goats, we meet a Navajo goatherd  03.22.2004 | Dark Days in Phoenix In Gilbert, Arizona, the timing belt on the goat mobile breaks, and we get held over in heat, waiting for repairs  03.23.2004 | The Curse of the Billy Goat, Part Two In Mesa, Arizona, at Chicago Cubs spring training we ask fans about what they think about goats and the Curse  03.25.2004 | Feed Two Goats and Call Me In the Morning In Casa Granda, Arizona, we meet Leslie Wootten and Jerry Baldwin, who can attest to the power of goat therapy  03.27.2004 | Milking Lesson in the Matrix In Gallup, New Mexico, at the ominously named, but actually very friendly Matrix Compound, we get our first milking lesson  FEBRUARY 2004 02.02.2004 | Clay Henry III, Goat Mayor of Lajitas In Lajitas, Texas, we share a beer with the mayor, Clay Henry III, and get the whole story behind the attack on his man(goat)hood  02.25.2004 | Capriole's Captivating Cheeses We drove over 750 miles to Capriole Farms in Greenville, Indiana to try their aged goat cheeses. Was it worth it? You bet.  02.27.2004 | The Curse of the Billy Goat In Chicago, Illinois, we visit the Billy Goat Tavern and investigate the curse that has kept the Cubs out of the World Series since 1945  JANUARY 2004 01.14.2004 | These Goats are OK! In Langston, Oklahoma, at one of the premiere goat research insititutes in the United States, we find further evidence of the multi-culturalism of the goat  01.20.2004 | Wichita Zoobilation At the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, Kansas, we learn about endangered livestock and get a painting by our favorite pig  01.24.2004 | Dripping Wet in Dripping Springs In Dripping Springs, Texas, we sample some of the Lone Star State's cheese culture at Pure Luck Farm and Dairy  01.26.2004 | Goats at a Junction In Junction, Texas we get our first glimpse of goats as large scale commercial livestock  01.27.2004 | Turkish Trials & Tribulations in Texas In San Angelo, Texas, we visit the largest goat and sheep auction in America, and meet two Turkish Muslims from New York trying to get their goats  01.28.2004 | Homesteader's Hero In San Angelo, Texas, in the offices of Homesteader's Connection, we find goat superheroes and reveal the not-so-secret identity of their creator  01.28.2004 | A Slaughter House Tour In San Angelo, our tour of the Ranchers' Lamb of Texas slaughter house, answers the question, "Can a vegetarian love a carnivore?"  01.29.2004 | Shear Excitement in Sonora In Sonora, Texas, we visit the largest mohair warehouse in the United States, and witness the shearing of a Texas-sized herd of angora goats  01.30.2004 | A Day with the President In Sonora we get treated to some real Texas hospitality by the president of the American Meat Goat Association, Marvin Shurley  DECEMBER 2003 12.01.2003 | Goats Galore In Loxahatchee, Florida, 20 miles from West Palm Beach, we find goats happily munching on palm trees  12.06.2003 | A Day at the Circus In Tampa, Florida, our visit to Ringling Bros. circus answers the question, "Can a goat really balance on a ball?"  12.07.2003 | The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away In Center Hill, Florida, we bear witness to the cycle of life and death at Kevuda Haven Ranch  12.08.2003 | How Devonshire Deals with CAE In Archer, Florida, one woman maintains a decade of genetics while managing Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis  12.12.2003 | Auburn's 3 "R"s: Ruminant Reproduction Research At Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, we get a tour of the new state-of-the-art vet hospital and meet two doctors dedicated to goat reproduction  12.13.2003 | Another Day at the Auction In Brundidge, Alabama, we make an unplanned stop at a weekly goat auction and discover the Alabama-Miami goat connection  12.17.2003 | Unique Partnership Creates Creole Cheese In Jackson, Louisiana, we talk with nationally reknowned Chef John Folse about his new Creole cheeses, his partnership with goat farmer Cindi McDonald, and his private audience with the Pope  NOVEMBER 2003 11.01.2003 | Goats Take Nashville: Spotlight Sale Our report and photographs from the last day of the American Dairy Goat Association's National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee  11.03.2003 | Get Your Mountain Vittles Here In Jamestown, Tennessee, we visit our first Kiko ranch and goat jerky operation  11.08.2003 | Mrs. Sandburg's Goats In Flat Rock, North Carolina, in Carl Sandburg's shadow, we meet the descendants of an award-winning herd, and Godfrey meets his first goat  11.09.2003 | Split Creek Farm: The Tour In Anderson, South Carolina, we visit Split Creek Farm, and get to snoop around the farm with a touring group of goat farmers  11.10.2003 | Split Creek Farm: Time For Milking In Anderson, South Carolina, we view our first commercial dairy, and get a taste of the wonderful cheese and life at Split Creek Farm  OCTOBER 2003 10.02.2003 | The Goat Superintendent Our interview with Paul Hopkins, Goat Superintendent for the Fryeburg Fair, Maine's largest agricultural fair  10.03.2003 | Friends' Folly Farm An angora goat farm fills a niche for Maine's small fiber farmers  10.07.2003 | Springtide Farm We went to find out about cashmere goats; in addition, we got a philosophy on raising and slaughtering animals  10.11.2003 | A Day At The Auction Our visit to a goat and sheep auction becomes a lesson in Halal slaughter  10.20.2003 | Happy Halloween! Karl & Margaret turn a pumpkin into a goat  10.29.2003 | Goats Take Nashville: Day 1 Photographs from our first day at the American Dairy Goat Association's National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee  10.30.2003 | Goats Take Nashville: Day 2 Photographs from our second day at the American Dairy Goat Association's National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee  10.31.2003 | Goats Take Nashville: Day 3 Photographs and video from our third day at the American Dairy Goat Association's National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee  SEPTEMBER 2003 09.01.2003 | Margaret's Birthday Get the recipe for delicious goat carrot birthday cake  09.06.2003 | The Litchfield Fair Margaret holds her first baby goat  09.11.2003 | On the Road: 9/11 9/11 remembered at Long John Silver's off I-78  09.12.2003 | International Goat Days Festival: Day One We arrive in Millington, TN to find goats dressed as cows, dinosaurs, and WWII pilots  09.13.2003 | International Goat Days Festival: Day Two Chariot races, champion Boers, and our first taste of goat  09.14.2003 | International Goat Days Festival: Day Three Goat Days wrap up: Was it worth the 3230.8 mile drive?  09.21.2003 | The Common Ground Fair Karl and Margaret hit the organic goat jackpot in Unity, Maine  09.25.2003 | Frozen Goat Surprise Searching for farmer's cheese Karl stumbles across a treasure trove of goat meat  AUGUST 2003 08.20.2003 | Skyland Farms Our first visit to an actual goat farm. Plus: The nursing goat video  08.21.2003 | The Cheese Master Maître Fromager Max McCalman fights for cheese in NYC  08.28.2003 | The Move From Hell A lost wallet, pessimistic movers, and a murderous Uhaul  08.31.2003 | The Windsor Fair Photos of baby animals: Goats, pigs, and chickens 
All content, text and photographs ©2004 The Year of the Goat
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Web site design by Karl Schatz
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