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Margaret Hathaway
Margaret More Hathaway was born and raised, for the most part, in Wichita, Kansas. After graduating from Wellesley with a degree in English and Anthropology, she received a Fulbright grant to Tunisia, where she studied madness and addiction in the lives and works of American writers in North Africa. When she left Tunisia, Margaret spent six months wandering, dog-sitting in a suburb of Paris for two months and then backpacking by herself through Central and Eastern Europe. After returning to the States, she moved to New York and spent a brief, unhappy stint in book publishing. Since then, she's worked on freelance writing projects and a novel, while also being a manager of The Magnolia Bakery in Greenwich Village. Margaret is excited about the goat adventure because she loves any combination of the following: reading, writing, cooking, napping, animal watching, traveling, making puppets, and being outdoors.
Email Margaret:
Karl Schatz
Karl Schatz is a photographer,
picture editor, web designer, and
journalist. Before embarking on this great goat adventure, he was the
online picture editor for Time Magazine.
He received his BA in Soviet
and Eastern European studies from Tufts University, and his MA in
Communications from the S.I. Newhouse School at Syracuse University.
From 1992-1993 he lived in Moscow and worked on the documentary project,
A Culture Rekindled: Jewish Traditions Return To Russia.
In 1994 he
traveled to Poland to document the creation of Warsaw's first Jewish day
school in 45 years. Karl was born and raised in Maine by his extremely
supportive parents, Bruce and Nancy, and has one
sister, Enid, who currently resides in South Africa. He is a member of
the National Press Photographers Association, and Red Sox nation. His
birthday is January 24.
Email Karl:
View more of Karl's photography at
Godfrey Schatz
A.k.a. The Snoot, Snootley, Noodle, Mr. Sniff, Sir Sniffsalot, Lickity
Sniff, "G", Little "G", Baby Dog, Wiggly, Wiggly Worm, The Pup.
Godfrey Schatz was born on Long Island on or around September 7, 2002, and
entered Karl and Margaret's lives on October 23 of that year. Adopted
from the North Shore Animal League, Godfrey is a Shepherd, Boxer, Akita
mix (and something with webbed feet), but is all "Brooklyn Brown." A
graduate of the Educated Puppy training classes in Brooklyn, NY, Godfrey
is an accomplished sniffer, beggar, and sofa sleeper. He usually comes
when he is called, and is for the most part housebroken. His favorite
foods are Challah toast, popcorn, sidewalk chicken bones on Dekalb Ave,
and sandals. He has never met a goat, but will probably like and lick
Email Godfrey:
More photos of Godfrey at:

All content, text and photographs ©2004 The Year of the Goat
This site is powered by Movable Type
Web site design by Karl Schatz

