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01.30.2004 | A Day with the President
In Sonora we get treated to some real Texas hospitality by the president of the American Meat Goat Association, Marvin Shurley

01.29.2004 | Shear Excitement in Sonora
In Sonora, Texas, we visit the largest mohair warehouse in the United States, and witness the shearing of a Texas-sized herd of angora goats

01.28.2004 | A Slaughter House Tour
In San Angelo, our tour of the Ranchers' Lamb of Texas slaughter house, answers the question, "Can a vegetarian love a carnivore?"

01.28.2004 | Homesteader's Hero
In San Angelo, Texas, in the offices of Homesteader's Connection, we find goat superheroes and reveal the not-so-secret identity of their creator

01.27.2004 | Turkish Trials & Tribulations in Texas
In San Angelo, Texas, we visit the largest goat and sheep auction in America, and meet two Turkish Muslims from New York trying to get their goats

01.26.2004 | Goats at a Junction
In Junction, Texas we get our first glimpse of goats as large scale commercial livestock

01.24.2004 | Dripping Wet in Dripping Springs
In Dripping Springs, Texas, we sample some of the Lone Star State's cheese culture at Pure Luck Farm and Dairy

01.20.2004 | Wichita Zoobilation
At the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, Kansas, we learn about endangered livestock and get a painting by our favorite pig

01.14.2004 | These Goats are OK!
In Langston, Oklahoma, at one of the premiere goat research insititutes in the United States, we find further evidence of the multi-culturalism of the goat

All content, text and photographs ©2004 The Year of the Goat
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Web site design by Karl Schatz

