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02.27.2004 | The Curse of the Billy Goat
In Chicago, Illinois, we visit the Billy Goat Tavern and investigate the curse that has kept the Cubs out of the World Series since 1945

02.25.2004 | Capriole's Captivating Cheeses
We drove over 750 miles to Capriole Farms in Greenville, Indiana to try their aged goat cheeses. Was it worth it? You bet.

02.02.2004 | Clay Henry III, Goat Mayor of Lajitas
In Lajitas, Texas, we share a beer with the mayor, Clay Henry III, and get the whole story behind the attack on his man(goat)hood

All content, text and photographs ©2004 The Year of the Goat
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Web site design by Karl Schatz

