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MARCH 2004
03.27.2004 | Milking Lesson in the Matrix
In Gallup, New Mexico, at the ominously named, but actually very friendly Matrix Compound, we get our first milking lesson

03.25.2004 | Feed Two Goats and Call Me In the Morning
In Casa Granda, Arizona, we meet Leslie Wootten and Jerry Baldwin, who can attest to the power of goat therapy

03.23.2004 | The Curse of the Billy Goat, Part Two
In Mesa, Arizona, at Chicago Cubs spring training we ask fans about what they think about goats and the Curse

03.22.2004 | Dark Days in Phoenix
In Gilbert, Arizona, the timing belt on the goat mobile breaks, and we get held over in heat, waiting for repairs

03.20.2004 | Goats on a Wire
In Cameron, Arizona, under power lines that look like giant metal goats, we meet a Navajo goatherd

03.17.2004 | The Kids are All Right
In Delta, Colorado, we meet LaVerne Charles and some of the friendliest marshmallow-loving goats around

03.16.2004 | Finding a Family in a Haystack
At Haystack Mountain Dairy in Niwot, Colorado, we survive the arrival of dozens of (human) kids long enough to sit down and enjoy a quiet talk with owner Jim Schott

03.02.2004 | A New Life at Antiquity Oaks
In Cornell, Illinois, the Boehle family shows us that homesteading plus homeschooling can add up to great things

03.01.2004 | Solomon's Wisdom: Eat and Drink Well
In Chicago, Sofia Solomon, one of the country's most respected purveyors of cheese, give us shelter from the storm, champagne, and a lesson in cheese handling

All content, text and photographs ©2004 The Year of the Goat
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Web site design by Karl Schatz

