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August 19, 2009 |
Come Visit Us on Ten Apple Farm (.com)
Thanks for visiting The Year of the Goat!
We've got a new site for our homestead, Ten Apple Farm, and for our new book, Living With Goats.
We're leaving our Year of the Goat adventures and information archived here, but are now posting regularly to the new site and blog, : Living With Goats
May 23, 2008 |
Oh Boy, Oh Boy
 | Kid number 2! Chansonetta kids Friday night 9:15 pm. Another boy, wouldn't you know it. |
May 22, 2008 |
Say Cheese...
 | Our first cheese! Queso Blanco. We found it's especially delicious with some smoked sea salts that we recently got as a present from our friend Brandon |
May 21, 2008 |
Duck, Duck, Duck, DUCK!
 | The ducks have arrived: Our ten new rouen ducklings, currently living (and occasionally swimming) in the backhouse. |
May 17, 2008 |
Let the milking begin!
 | Margaret milks Flyrod on the newest addition to the barn, Karl's homemade milkstand. |
May 15, 2008 |
A kid is born!
 | There's a new kid in the barn! Our first goat kid, we just call him 'the kid' for now. |
Up until the day it happened we really weren't 100% sure that either of our does were actually pregnant. Flyrod just didn't look big enough, and Chansonetta was big, for sure, but then, being half Boer, she's a big girl to begin with. Flyrod's due date came and went, but then this morning, I get a call from Margaret at my office, saying, "Flyrod's in labor, get home quick!" I drive home as fast as I safely can, with intermittent calls from Margaret in the barn giving me a play by play: "she's pushing!", "there's something coming out!", "I can see the head!" and then finally when I'm about 5 minutes from the house, "It's out!" Flyrod's kid, turned out to be a boy weighing 9 lbs, 1oz. We're holding off naming to make sure he makes it, because to be honest, we're not sure what we're going to do with another boy goat. Joshua and Percival, our 2 wethers, are enough for now. For more pictures of the new goat see below.
May 4, 2008 |
Bebe meets the goats
 | Charlotte takes Beatrice to meet the goats. That's Bea in the orange wrap. |
April 29, 2008 |
Welcome Beatrice Amelia!
 | Beatrice Amelia Hathaway Schatz born April 29, 6:54pm, 7 lbs 11oz. |
On April 29 we welcomed the newest addition to the Hathaway Schatz clan, our second daughter, Beatrice Amelia Hathaway Schatz. For more photos of Bebe's arrival and homecoming, see below.

All content, text and photographs ©2004 The Year of the Goat
This site is powered by Movable Type
Web site design by Karl Schatz

